Shane practices many different styles of Acupuncture including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Sports Medicine Acupuncture, Myofascial Trigger Point Acupuncture, Battlefield Acupuncture (& other acupuncture techniques developed by military acupuncture research), Motor Point Acupuncture, Segmental Neuro-Anatomy Acupuncture, Scar Tissue Acupuncture, and various other forms of Acupuncture.
- River Ridge Acupuncture215 S 2nd St
River Falls, WI 54022715-396-1849 - MonClosedTue9:00 - 6:30WedClosedThu9:00 - 6:30FriClosedSatClosedSunClosedOpen in Minneapolis location Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 6:30
1829 Riverside Ave
STE 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454612-293-5161
- Testimonials
Cindy Luomo – “Dr. Shane is AMAZING! In just two short weeks, I can’t believe how much better I feel. I have been dealing with cervical disc issues 6 months; neck and arm pain constantly. After only 2 sessions I felt tremendous pain relief; 2 sessions vs 4 months PT…sums it up for me. PT did so little for me, and therapists were stumped when the Mackenzie method wasn’t helping me progress; and I was frustrated. My Mayo Clinic Dr.
... Read more »Jon Swartzentruber – “Shane at Precision Accupuncture has been such a blessing to me. I’m 63, active and healthy, but with chronic back pain and even after two surgeries – it is largely unnoticed now. My A-Fib is subsiding – more than had been with drugs. My Cardiologist and Neurologist totally endorse the work that Shane is doing, and credit it for my recovery equally to their own work. Shane is professional, talented, and skilled.”
Bonnie Connolly, Minneapolis, MN
As a nurse practitioner I was skeptical about Chinese medicine and acupuncture but now I am a believer in how these ancient traditional medical practices can have a profound positive effect on my health. Shane has a wisdom and sensitivity beyond his years. I’d highly recommend him.
Noelle Wilde – “To scratch the surface of what acupuncture has done for me, I have to back track a couple months and give you an idea of what my body felt like daily for years. The first moment I would open my eyes in the morning and start to roll out of bed, I would be hit with a wave of nausea from the aches that course along my spine, in my abdomen and throughout my entire back and
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