Gavin Colahan – “I’ve suffered from chronic headaches and chronic migraines since I was six years old. I’ve tried every type of specialist and treatment that western medicine can offer. My only regret is that I waited so long to try acupuncture. After my first visit I felt great results and now after my third visit I am 200% sold. I went in with an aura today and left without a trace of it. I’m ecstatic at the results Dr. Shane provides. If you suffer from chronic pain (not just headaches and migraines) I highly recommend you see Dr. Shane. It may change your life.”
- River Ridge Acupuncture215 S 2nd St
River Falls, WI 54022715-396-1849 - MonClosedTue9:00 - 6:30WedClosedThu9:00 - 6:30FriClosedSatClosedSunClosedOpen in Minneapolis location Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 6:30
1829 Riverside Ave
STE 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454612-293-5161
- Testimonials
Matthew Campeau, Saint Croix Falls, WI.
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Health Complaints: Neck and back pain.
What is better now? My neck and back pain is relieved. I feel lighter, at ease, and more present in my body!
Why do you like this place? Shane’s expertise, skills and knowledge in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is evedent in the effects of his practice. I trust that when I visit Shane I will leave feeling more relaxed, balanced, and whole. Thank you,Katie Simon, Minneapolis, MN.
Health Complaints: “Low back pain.”
What is better now? “Low back.”
Why do you like this place? “Shane really listens and has a calming, therapeutic energy with the environment to match.”
Timothy Kindem – “Shane is already the finest acupuncturist I’m aware of, and yet his dedication to the constant pursuit of mastery in his craft is inspiring and the sign of a true professional. I refer anyone I know in need of acupuncture to him.”
Jon Swartzentruber – “Shane at Precision Accupuncture has been such a blessing to me. I’m 63, active and healthy, but with chronic back pain and even after two surgeries – it is largely unnoticed now. My A-Fib is subsiding – more than had been with drugs. My Cardiologist and Neurologist totally endorse the work that Shane is doing, and credit it for my recovery equally to their own work. Shane is professional, talented, and skilled.”