Shane practices many different styles of Acupuncture including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Sports Medicine Acupuncture, Myofascial Trigger Point Acupuncture, Battlefield Acupuncture (& other acupuncture techniques developed by military acupuncture research), Motor Point Acupuncture, Segmental Neuro-Anatomy Acupuncture, Scar Tissue Acupuncture, and various other forms of Acupuncture.
- River Ridge Acupuncture215 S 2nd St
River Falls, WI 54022715-396-1849 - MonClosedTue9:00 - 6:30WedClosedThu9:00 - 6:30FriClosedSatClosedSunClosedOpen in Minneapolis location Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 6:30
1829 Riverside Ave
STE 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454612-293-5161
- TestimonialsBrett Fehr – MPLS, MN Health complaints: hand problems, shoulder pain, low back pain What is better now?: Shoulder is much better…received better results with a few treatments as compared to months of occupational therapy Why do you like this place? It’s a good healing peaceful place and Shane is a talented acupuncturist
Bonnie Warndahl – “I simply cannot rave enough about Shane and his work at Precision Acupuncture! My whole life (I am 35) I have suffered from Restless Leg Syndrome – a chronic progressive genetic disorder that affects sleep – which requires meds with unpleasant side-affects. Shane did one acupuncture treatment with me and for the first time in years I went to bed with zero discomfort! For years I have asked doctors about an alternative, but they have never been
... Read more »Shannon Bachler – “I have suffered for years with Gerd disease, esophagitis, and 5 ulcers. I have tried many medications and nothing seemed to work. I was up to 2 packs of rolaids a day, truly suffering all the time. I have been seeing Shane regularly for 3 weeks, and my acid reflux doesn’t bother me anymore. Truly grateful and 100% recommend his services. My quality of life has went up tremendously.”
Kevin Juleen – “Definitely cant say enough about how great Precision Acupuncture is… Shane is a true professional and is more dedicated and well educated than anyone I’ve met in the natural health world. As a chiropractor, I have no problem referring my patients to see him; and I see him myself regularly to keep everything at its best. Acupuncture works for almost every issue the human body can have, and I don’t know anyone who can help resolve things
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