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Shane is a Wealth of Knowledge

Joal McAlister, Oakdale, MN – “Initially when I saw Shane I was hoping he could help with my hives. After a few sessions I noticed several additional health benefits such as better digestion and better sleep. Having experienced frozen shoulder several months before and continuing to have issues with it, I asked Shane to work on my shoulder and it’s better now than it has been in over 10 months. As a runner, I experience tight muscles regularly, Shane also worked on those and I’ve seen a dramatic increase in my running performance. Until I met Shane, I would have never thought acupuncture would have had such a positive impact on my entire wellness. Precision Acupuncture is a welcoming place, Shane is a wealth of knowledge and he makes sure that you’re informed and comfortable through the entire process. I highly recommend Shane and Precision Acupuncture.

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