Shannon Bachler – “I have suffered for years with Gerd disease, esophagitis, and 5 ulcers. I have tried many medications and nothing seemed to work. I was up to 2 packs of rolaids a day, truly suffering all the time. I have been seeing Shane regularly for 3 weeks, and my acid reflux doesn’t bother me anymore. Truly grateful and 100% recommend his services. My quality of life has went up tremendously.”
- River Ridge Acupuncture215 S 2nd St
River Falls, WI 54022715-396-1849 - MonClosedTue9:00 - 6:30WedClosedThu9:00 - 6:30FriClosedSatClosedSunClosedOpen in Minneapolis location Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 6:30
1829 Riverside Ave
STE 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454612-293-5161
- Testimonials
Kate Marie – “Desperate was how I felt the first day I walked in the doors of this place. After years of chronic pain and fighting with doctors. My boss had been telling me for months to go see her “amazing, wizard, acupuncturist!” She never minces words and she was right! I feel helped and I’m still receiving services. After each treatment I feel more energized. If your struggling with anything medically I would give this place a try!!! 10/10
... Read more »Jon Swartzentruber – “Shane at Precision Accupuncture has been such a blessing to me. I’m 63, active and healthy, but with chronic back pain and even after two surgeries – it is largely unnoticed now. My A-Fib is subsiding – more than had been with drugs. My Cardiologist and Neurologist totally endorse the work that Shane is doing, and credit it for my recovery equally to their own work. Shane is professional, talented, and skilled.”
Gavin Colahan – “I’ve suffered from chronic headaches and chronic migraines since I was six years old. I’ve tried every type of specialist and treatment that western medicine can offer. My only regret is that I waited so long to try acupuncture. After my first visit I felt great results and now after my third visit I am 200% sold. I went in with an aura today and left without a trace of it. I’m ecstatic at the results Dr.
... Read more »Renee Ducharme, Saint Paul, MN.
... Read more »
“I am so grateful to have met Shane, he has helped me with several acute and chronic pain issues. I started seeing him for a problem with pain in my low back and shooting down my leg, which was resolved with acupuncture. He has also helped with a herniated disc, headaches, arthritic knees, and even pain from a root canal! It has been so wonderful to have this pain just melt away with acupuncture.