- River Ridge Acupuncture215 S 2nd St
River Falls, WI 54022715-396-1849 - MonClosedTue9:00 - 6:30WedClosedThu9:00 - 6:30FriClosedSatClosedSunClosedOpen in Minneapolis location Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 6:30
1829 Riverside Ave
STE 200
Minneapolis, MN 55454612-293-5161
- Testimonials
Margaret Bluhm, St. Paul
Health Complaints: 45 years of chronic neck, knee, and back pain with limited mobility.
What is Better Now? Huge Improvement! Pain relief and gave me my mobility back.
Why do you like this place? Acupuncture with Shane is the only thing that I have found that helped me. Acupuncture with Shane also lifts my mood and brings me a sense of wellbeing.
Mark Carlson, Minneapolis.
Health Complaint: Bicep tendon issue on my left arm.
What is better now? I have full use of my arm – motion & strength.
Why do you like this place? Shane take the time to listen, engage and understand BEFORE he begins to treat. His approach is safe, engaged and stress free. I HIGHLY recommend Shane Berquist.
Noelle Wilde – “To scratch the surface of what acupuncture has done for me, I have to back track a couple months and give you an idea of what my body felt like daily for years. The first moment I would open my eyes in the morning and start to roll out of bed, I would be hit with a wave of nausea from the aches that course along my spine, in my abdomen and throughout my entire back and
... Read more »Jessy Arroyo – “I can honestly say my shoulder feels like new. Years of baseball took its toll, To the point that even lifting my arm would cause shooting pain. After a rigorous treatment I have full motion without pain. Thank you Shane.”